We are a growing Digital Assurance and Transformation company, we implement fast changing technologies and accelerate faster deliveries to market. In collaboration with our clients, we aim to shape a safer, smarter world, harnessing the power of our technology expertise and advanced tools and techniques.

Explore our services

Automation Testing

From inception to deployment, we offer end-to-end support, harnessing the power of automation to drive efficiency gains and bolster product excellence. Our tailored approach aligns with...

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ETL Testing

Our team is dedicated to ensuring the success of your DW and BI implementations through meticulous ETL testing. Leveraging our expertise in SQL, we conduct thorough...

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API Automation Testing

Are you striving to optimize your web and mobile app performance? Look no further! Our cutting-edge Automated API Testing solution is designed to streamline your development...

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RPA Solutions

Our RPA BOT development services empower your organization with intelligent bots, and innovative automation strategies for repetitive and complex tasks. It executed End to End business...

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Mobile Application Development

Partnering with us means entrusting your custom app development to a team of experts dedicated to delivering a robust, user-centric solution tailored to your unique business...

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Web Application Development

With a focus on Digital Transformation, Unosys enables the creation of modern digital applications. Leveraging on containerization, microservices architecture, automation, and DevOps methodologies, cloud-native ...

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API Development & Integration Services

We specialize in aiding enterprises in the modernization of their IT legacy systems through the implementation of independent, secure, and agile microservices coupled with seamless API...

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QA Expertise

Whether you require additional QA resources for ongoing projects or specific testing initiatives, our team can seamlessly integrate with yours. By leveraging our services, you can...

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Technology Expertise

Our flexible and cost-effective solution ensures that you have the right talent to drive your technology initiatives forward efficiently. Our technology staff augmentation services empower your...

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Testing tools and technology


Selenium provides a suite of tools for automating web browsers across various platforms and supports ...


It allows testers to automate testing of mobile apps across different platforms such as iOS, Android, and Windows ...


Robotic process automation (RPA), known as robotics that uses intelligent automation technologies to ...


Gradle build scripts are written in a declarative style, allowing developers to specify what needs to be built ...

Katalon Studio

Katalon Studio is a tool designed for the execution of automation testing across web applications, mobile apps ...


Bootstrap is a popular front-end framework that facilitates responsive web development by providing a pre-defined ...


JavaScript is a powerful and flexible language that enables the creation of dynamic, interactive ...


Java is a mature and widely-used programming language known for its portability, robustness ...


HTML offers the fundamental elements required to organize content on a webpage. Conversely, CSS enhances ...


PHP is a widely-used server-side scripting language designed for web development but also used as a general-purpose ...


jQuery is a fast, small, and feature-rich JavaScript library. It simplifies tasks like HTML document traversal ...


Django is a high-level Python web framework that promotes rapid development and clean ...

Android Studio

Android Studio is the integrated development environment (IDE) for Android app development ...


Xcode provides all the necessary tools for building, testing, and debugging iOS apps. It includes features such as a ...


EC2 instances are virtual servers in the cloud that users can rent to run their applications. Users can choose ...


S3 is a cloud storage service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS). It's designed to store and retrieve ...


MySQL is a powerful and versatile RDBMS that is well-suited for a wide range of applications, from small-scale ...


PostgreSQL supports various scalability and high availability solutions. It provides built-in replication features ...


MongoDB is a versatile and scalable database solution that is well-suited for a wide range of use cases ...

Our Automation Testing Frameworks

Transform Testing Efficiencies with our Automation Frameworks

API Testing Framework

With rise of Digital Transformation, faster API testing outcome is critical, Our Tailored API Automation Framework Offers a Suite of Features for Seamless Scenario scripting and Execution.

Functional Testing Framework

Our expert quality engineers leverage uptrend tools and frameworks and deliver best-in-class automation testing solutions. Quality and time-cost-efficiency of execution is utmost aim ...

Mobile APP Testing Framework

Drawing upon years of experience in the field, our dedicated team possesses the insights and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of mobile testing with precision ...

RPA Custom Framework

We have developed efficient BOTs, which excel at automating high-volume back-office processes in HR, finance, and customer service. BOTs we developed are combination of UI ...


Industries we serve

Health Care

Our testing services for healthcare leverage specialized skills, knowledge of regulatory requirements, and a focus on ...


Financial Technologies, or FinTech, is indeed transforming the financial services landscape through innovative digital ...

CAD/CAM Product Testing

Our domain expertise on CAD/CAM application has been delivering Automation Testing Services for last ...


E-Commerce web & Mobile testing is critical for ensuring a flawless online shopping experience and maintaining ...


Clients across the globe


Years of Experience


Technical Expertise


Projects Delivered

Client Stories

Stories of success from our valued clients



Clients all around the globe.

“I am glad to share my experience working with UNOSYS for their Testing Services. Our engagement with Unosys was instrumental in ensuring the quality and reliability of our software products. The co-ordination comes long way from Year 2017 and continues. Their team demonstrated exceptional expertise in understanding requirements and identifying defects, test planning, execution, and reporting. They consistently delivered thorough test results and valuable insights that helped us identify and address critical issues at earliest. Their prompt resource deployment process in short timeline has always saved our time and money.”

Atul Thombre

CEO, iSynergy TechSys Pvt. Ltd.

Connect with our expert

We're always here to help! Please connect with our experts for any Digital Assurance and Transformation assistance. Our team is ready to provide support and guidance tailored to your specific needs.

Reach out to us

Email - info@unosysit.com